STEM Beyond Summer Internship

CalTeach offers paid summer internships working with K–12 students at leading Bay Area non-profit organizations. Through these programs, interns work with K–12 students, and sometimes teachers, in summer activities that focus on math, science, and engineering.

We offer a wide variety of internships and duties vary, however most involve some combination of planning math or science activities, mentoring and tutoring students, developing and implementing curriculum, leading lessons, providing administrative and operational support, and collaborating with team members and mentors.


Students are advised that the participant support stipends, like other scholarships and awards, may adjust their summer financial package. It is recommended that students speak to the Financial Aid Office in Sproul Hall to see what, if any, adjustment may occur, or if you any other have concerns regarding the stipends.

How to Apply

Fill out the CalTeach STEM Beyond Summer Internship Application and upload your cover letter and resume. 


Eligibility Requirements

  1. Continuing as a UC Berkeley undergraduate in Fall Semester.
  2. Majoring or intending to major in a science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM) discipline.
  3. Prospective or current Cal Teach student.
  4. Interest in math or science education preferred.

Note: Undocumented and International students are eligible to apply to certain STEM Beyond Internships. Please check out our FAQ for more information.

Our Partner Organizations

CalTeach works a number of excellent non-profits focused on math and science education. Recent internships have included placements with these organizations:

  • California Academy of Sciences
  • Lawrence Hall of Science
  • Oakland Zoo
  • Chabot Space and Science Center
  • CalTeach - UC Merced

We acknowledge the generous support of the National Science Foundation-sponsored "Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program" (NSF award #1540826) and the Amgen Foundation for funding these internship positions. The CalTeach STEM Beyond Summer Internship Program would not be possible without our sponsors!

Not a CalTeach student? Take EDSTEM 82 or 82T over the summer to be eligible to apply for one of these internships.

Questions? Email the Program Coordinator at